Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Automatic signal change depending on occupancy feedback

dispatcher game: automatic signal change depending on occupancy feedback

In layout editor after you select the block for red and press save, the highlighted track will go back to white.

At this point you can select signals to change automatically when this block is occupied. Touch the signal to select it with red rectangle. Long-touch the signal to change its status. This status represents how to set it when the block is occupied. If you ready with the selections, press the save button again. After that you can set the address and input of the bock.

During the game when the block becomes occupied, the signals will be set automatically. This way a signal can be set to red when a train passes it (using the next block after the signal).
Important notice: this automatic change happens only on the layout loaded currently. If you have a big layout and it is made in more layouts in DigiTrains and you want the automatic signal change to happen on all layouts in the current profile, then you need to set this option by pressing the top right “block” icon  in the header (highlighted with red rectangle).

If you enable the checkbox, then Digitrains will set signals belonging to occupied blocks on all of your layout in the current profile.

During thegame you can navigate to other menus. You can drive a train, Digitrains will take care of the signals in the background. 

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