Wednesday, December 17, 2014

DigiTrains Loco Sounds user guide

Loco Sounds description

If you do not have sound decoder for a locomotive, with this solution you will be able to play certain sounds on your phone or tablet speaker. More than 25 different sounds, like horns, whistles, door sounds, etc.
The sounds can be used if you check the Sound checkbox in Function editor menu for a locomotive. (Open any of your Locomotive, touch tools icon next to the picture of the loco, touch Functions menu). In this example we will add a horn to F1.  Set F1 to Active and Touch, and set also a horn icon to it. Check the Give sound checkbox for it, too.

A new window will open. Here you can select from the sound list. The sound is played when selected. Save it.

Go back to Train Control window and press the horn icon. The sound is played by your phone speaker.

The volume of the sound is the same as your device media volume. If you do not hear the sound or you want to change the volume, be aware that in Train control window the volume buttons will adjust the speed on phones. So go to the station speaker menu and play an announcement. During the sound play press the volume buttons to set the right volume. Now you can go back to Train control and play the horn sound. Note: when you press the sound the function command is also sent to the decoder.

The Loco sounds is an In-App Product. You can try it for free and play sound for limited times. If it works fine and you like it, you may purchase it in DigiTrains Settings / In-App Products menu. Enjoy!

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