Monday, December 15, 2014

DigiTrains 2.2 on Play

Several new functions in DigiTrains latest version. It is available now on Google Play.

Release notes:

-Train control screen will return to the same train from the quick-list if you navigate to another window.

-Control your locomotive with volume buttons in train control menu. No need to watch the screen.

-12 new function icon for your locomotives:

-New In-App Product: Loco Sounds: 
If you do not have sound decoder for a locomotive, with this solution you will be able to play certain sounds on your phone or tablet speaker. More than 25 different sounds, like horns, whistles, door sounds, etc.

-If you use a black Z21, and beside the smartphones you also use Freds to control locomotives, sometimes you need to change the loco address in Freds. If you use DigiTrains you can change address in a Fred from DigiTrains Settings / Dispatch address menu.

-Optimized usage of background pictures to avoid app crash because of out of memory error on certain devices. This error usually happened on Samsung devices, where the Samsung Android OS handles the memory on a different way compared to simple Google Android OS.

-When DigiTrains used with JMRI, there was a bug in showing the locomotive pictures which have a space in their name (Roster ID). This bug has been fixed.

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