Tuesday, October 13, 2015

DigiTrains 2.9 on Play: Domino Dispatcher design

Dispatcher game: Domino

New design is available for dispatcher game: Domino.

You can choose from more design in dispatcher game. Select the menu icon in the top right corner to change design:

On tablets:                         

On phones: 

In Domino design the use of Common accessory button and Unlock route button is different. You do not have to hold the buttons for 2 hand accessory change.

Use of the buttons if Adv. (Advanced security logic) is off:

· Unlock Route button releases all routes (KO)
· Common accessory button is not functional

Use of the buttons if Adv. is On:
· Unlock routes button releases routes by double touch
· Press Unlock routes button first. You can see it is on, because it lits. Then press the endpoint of an active route. The route will be released. Unlock routes button goes off.
· Accessories can be changed only if the Common accessory button is touched and set on (it lits). Then touch an accessory, it will change. The common accessory button will go off automatically.

Block occupancy release

Occupied blocks get only free after 2 seconds of unoccupied state.

Z21 Locomotive options bug fix

For Z21 users Locomotive options menu crashed in DigiTrains 2.8. Now this bug is fixed.